School Rumble
The series is a comedy that covers the daily life of second year high school student Tsukamoto Tenma, her friends, her classmates, and their many unsuccessful attempts at love. The story is light-hearted and contains the group's daily trials and imaginations. At the beginning of the first season, the main focus of the story is Tsukamoto Tenma's love triangle, with her love interest, Karasuma Ōji, and Harima Kenji's "secret" love for Tenma.
As of the 6th and 7th volumes of the manga, the plot of the story has changed greatly. The story has switched to focusing mostly on the interactions between two of Tenma's classmates, Harima Kenji and Sawachika Eri, and her younger sister, Tsukamoto Yakumo. Tenma and Karasuma Ohji play more infrequent and minor roles. This is commonly attributed to the popularity polls conducted regularly in the Japanese magazine, which revealed that these three characters are the most popular characters in the series
At 1:46 AM, kaire said…
thanks alot,I'm glad that you like it ...
At 11:29 AM, Anonymous said…
This is so cute, I love cartoons, especially with high school girls!
Sadly, I don't have much time to watch or read these anymore.
Enjoy your teenage hood, it will pass faster than you think.
At 12:28 AM, kaire said…
Thanks alot dear ...
Nice of you to say so ..
You are I right I will ..
Thanks again ..
I hope you'll vist my blog always ...
At 3:55 AM, Solidus said…
Ooo..! School Rumble = Chicks.. lol Great anime.. :P
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